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"I have learned SO much already just from the first three lessons of Linda's course. I feel so much more confident and empowered already. I can't wait to go through...

Elle C. Wolfe Elle C. Wolfe Interiors

"I am also a decorator and have a workroom so color is very important to me and I enjoyed the color lesson very much."

Jackie Meyers, Usefull Stitches



"I attempted my first “design on a photo” today using fabric my client selected and I was pretty happy with it. I think it is going to be a great...

Audrey Campbell, Boxwood and Ivy



It is a great course for designers or workrooms wanting to understand the complexity of window coverings.

Debbie Green, Minutes Matter creator and owner.




Omg Linda … this is wonderful and real powerful … This is really a wonderful opportunity.

Elki Susana Horn, Interior Elegance.




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